E4447A PSA

E4447A PSA
Manufacturer :

Model :
E4447A PSA


For more information


Optical Spectrum Analyzer E4447A PSA has the following features: and more...


Comparison table

This table shows products at the same wavelength, including by other manufacturers.
Displaying 1-10 of 65 results.
Manufacturer Model Wavelength Input Optical Power Spectral Resolution Dynamic Range
ThorlabsOSA201350 nm ~ 1.1 um ~ 10 mW--
ThorlabsOSA202600 nm ~ 1.7 um ~ 10 mW--
ThorlabsOSA203B1 um ~ 2.6 um ~ 10 mW--
ThorlabsOSA2051 um ~ 5.6 um ~ 10 mW--
Aeroflex3251- ~ 30 dBm--
Aeroflex3252- ~ 30 dBm--
Aeroflex3253- ~ 30 dBm--
Aeroflex3254- ~ 30 dBm--
Aeroflex9101- ~ 30 dBm--
Aeroflex9102- ~ 30 dBm--