Prosilica GT 1920 Shack-Hartmann

Prosilica GT 1920 Shack-Hartmann
Manufacturer :

Model :
Prosilica GT 1920 Shack-Hartmann


For more information


Wavefront Sensor Prosilica GT 1920 Shack-Hartmann has the following features: and more...


Comparison table

This table shows products at the same wavelength, including by other manufacturers.
Displaying 11-20 of 20 results.
Manufacturer Model Wavelength Camera Sensor Type Camera Resolution Focal Length
Imagine OpticHASO3 WSR 58-GE350 nm ~ 1.1 um---
Imagine OpticHASO3 HP 16350 nm ~ 1.1 um---
Imagine OpticHASO3 First350 nm ~ 1.1 um---
Imagine OpticHASO3 NIR1.5 um ~ 1.6 um---
Imagine OpticHASO3 UV193 nm ~ 300 nm---
Imagine OpticHASO3 EUV4 nm ~ 40 nm---
Active Optical SystemsGuppy F-036B S…400 nm ~ 1.1 um---
Active Optical SystemsStingray F-033…400 nm ~ 1.1 umCCD--
Active Optical SystemsSU320KTSW-1.7R…400 nm ~ 1.75 um---