DET-200 006

DET-200 006
Manufacturer :

Model :
DET-200 006


For more information


Photodetector DET-200 006 has the following features: and more...


  • Detector type : Silicon
  • Wavelength is 200 nm ~ 1.1 um

Comparison table

This table shows products at the same wavelength, including by other manufacturers.
Displaying 1-8 of 8 results.
Manufacturer Model Wavelength Input Optical Power Bandwidth@3dB Detector type
ThorlabsPDP90A320 nm ~ 1.1 um- ~ 15 kHz-
ThorlabsIS236A350 nm ~ 1.1 um--Silicon
ThorlabsIS236A-4350 nm ~ 1.1 um--Silicon
Hinds InstrumentsDET-200 002350 nm ~ 1.1 um--Silicon
Hinds InstrumentsDET-200 004350 nm ~ 1.1 um--Silicon
ScientechAP50S400 nm ~ 1.1 um ~ 50 mW-Silicon
ScientechAP50UVS200 nm ~ 1.1 um ~ 4 mW-Silicon